
IMG_3496I got SO nostalgic over yesterday’s Daily Post prompt that I pulled out my favorite magazines from when I was little.

IMG_3495I used to get these second hand from a girl at my primary school named Katie. Katie had very silky hair, a big flopsy dog, and a swimming pool. Pretty much the epitome of cool. And as if all of that wasn’t enough, she had a subscription to Cricket, the best literary magazine for children EVER.

IMG_3497I have over 30 of these magazines, all from the mid to late 1970s, and they are just as wonderful to me now as they were way back when.

These are some favorite covers from my collection. Isn’t the artwork inspiring? I’m as excited as those island children are by that hot air balloon.

IMG_3499So here’s my bright idea for today: I’m going to submit one of the million twenty-something children’s stories I’ve written over the past two years to Cricket. How exciting would that be? I’d be almost as cool as Katie, I think.

Now all I need is a dog.

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