Star Wars Tanka

Tuesday morning in the dunes…


Official sighting:
Star Wars Episode VII,
or Jedi mind tricks…

Photo evidence:
Large grey mechanical disc —
The Empire Strikes Back?

Hollywood sources:
“Scenes of Tatooine would shoot
in Abu Dhabi.”

“Never coming back,”
mused Star Wars’ Luke Skywalker.
Storytellers: “Wrong.”

“Business as usual,”
said Emirati farmer.
J.J. Abrams: “Wrong.”

Hidden from locals;
no one at the gas station
was aware of set.

Haikuisation, Oulipost prompt #17
Source text: ‘Star Wars’ Set Spotted in Abu Dhabi Desert

3 thoughts on “Star Wars Tanka”

    1. I know, Carol! The oulipo prompts are a bit insane =+)
      but the idea is that you’ll happen upon a phrase that will generate a real idea for a story/poem… which it has! I’ve been keeping the best ones to myself to keep working on!


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